Tuesday, March 1, 2011


So today we had a “trial day” at KISU (Kampala International School Uganda). It was interesting. First of all, the uniforms are pretty ugly. I’m not looking forward to those. Also, they don’t have any bells, so you just have to know when class ends and when it begins. They have 45-minute classes, but you can also have doubles (2 class periods of 1 class). I met some really nice people. Lea and Beth both showed me around the school.
My schedule was: Double History, Maths (that’s what they call Math), our Break, an Assembly, Double English, lunch, and Double Biology.
It was pretty funny, in Math, they were learning about Mean, Median and Mode and about scatter plots. I guess my college algebra won’t help me much. ☺
One guy asked where I was from, I told him Utah. He said, “Isn’t that were the Mormons are from…. Are you Mormon?” I told him yes. He said, “Don’t you have the multiple wife thing.” People have funny ideas about us I guess.
All in all, I had a very enjoyable experience. I think I might like it there… eventually.

1 comment:

  1. It's gonna be a great opportunity for you to go to that school. It will be different, but embrace those differences. Remember that you have more in common with every other person on the planet than you do differences. Mormons are looked at weird outside of Utah, that is for sure. Don't let it get you down- all of your Dad's brothers grew up with having to deal with that. Just be an example and don't get caught up in any arguments about being mormon. Correct misperceptions, but do it with live and compassion. Be yourself and most people won't care about your differences.
