Sunday, July 24, 2011

Till We Meet Again

I am not very good at saying good-byes. It has been super hard especially here, because there is that thought in the back of your mind that you won't ever see the person again. That is not a very pleasant thought. We have been trying to wrap of everything that we want done. It has become very stressful trying to get the house ready, and packing (which we really haven't started!). To tell you the truth, I feel like I am going on a vacation and will be returning after. Too bad that's not the case.

Today in church, we all bore our testimonies (you could call it a farewell for us). Brian had translated my testimony in Luganda, and I was able to share that. I am so glad that I did too! You could see the smile on the ward members faces once I started. One lady came up to me and said, "That was beautiful Cariel!! Most people leave without learning a single word, and yet you bore you testimony!" I guess I really love the people to be able to learn some of their language. As a family, we also sang God Be With You Till We Meet Again. We sang with Prosy and Sam and they helped translate the 2nd verse to Luganda so we sang that in Luganda. The 3rd verse, the congregation joined us in singing. That is when I started to cry. I look over to my mom, and she is bawling. I guess we both of wimps when it comes to saying good-bye.

I will dearly miss this wonderful home. For it truly has become home. I will miss the wonderful people and their sweet spirit. I will miss the beautiful scenery and weather. It has really been like paradise. I will miss having monkeys playing in our front yard. The list goes on and on. Of course, there are things that I am looking forward to, but I won't mention those. :)

I am eternally grateful for this experience that we have been able to have. This has been such a growing experience for our entire family. I will never forget my many experiences here. I really hope that Bishop Hall was right when he said I would be coming back to Africa.

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