Sunday, February 13, 2011


Who would’ve ever thought that I would a) go to a prom my sophomore year and b) go to a dance in Uganda. I guess some things come unexpectedly (that’s where I’m a pro). So when my next door neighbor Alissa asked if I wanted to be her “prom date” (her boyfriend couldn’t come last minute due to his father) for her school’s prom, I thought I’d give it a try.

She lent me a dress to wear (which was super cute) and her mom drove us to Kampala to the hotel it was at. Can I just say that for Africa, it was a HUGE hotel!! No joke.

From the whole experience I learned a ton! I know that living in Provo is like living in a bubble, but I didn’t really understand that until last night. It wasn't the typical "Prom" that comes to mind, but it turned out to be a really fun experience. It did make me realize how grateful I am for my wonderful high school back at home. I did meet some pretty sweet people though. Alyssa is such a sweetie for inviting me on such short notice! I know that we will become super great friends!!! :)

I guess you where wrong Madelyn and Bailey, I will have gone to a dance before you!


  1. hehem. so, I just started creeping around your blog. "luckily she had something modest to wear"... what, so I'm THAT immodest that you're SURPRISED I have something modest. Wow... Sure, my dress was a little more low cut than necessary but I didn't think my clothes were THAT bad. :P lol. Thanks for coming with me and sitting through... that.Seriously though... I didn't think I was that badly immodest :/

  2. Hahaha sorry I didn't comment before again, but figured I would fix my last comment :) That was a great time, and I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
