Sunday, February 27, 2011

Feb 21-27th

Sorry I haven’t been able to post in a while. Luckily, this week wasn’t the most hopping week. It’s nice to have those weeks of relaxation. Hopefully I’ll catch you all up. Here is this past week in brief:
• Taught about Malaria with Eric at 3 primary schools
• Liza broke 2 windows (not on the same day either!)
• Played Settlers of Catan with Alyssa
• Went into the local market for the first time (what an experience; trust me, it’s not like Macy’s)
• Babysat the cutest baby on the planet!
• Had the Fountains over for dinner
• Went to church for about 6 hours (There was a baptism after. I did not realize how some people can be so scared of water. One of the girls screamed as she went underwater. Interesting ☺)
I can’t believe that we have been here about 3 weeks!! How time flies! I have loved every minute of it. What an experience. I’m not sure if there are words capable of describing it. I guess the best would be: TIA: This Is Africa

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