Saturday, March 26, 2011

Murchison Falls

So, this weekend we went up to Murchison Falls National Park. We left right after school on Thursday, which meant we didn't have to go to school on Friday! Yeah! Anyway, we drove for about 3 hours to get to Misindi where we spent the night. We got up early the next morning and went "chimp tracking." What an adventure that was. We literally were walking through the jungle looking for chimpanzee's. It definitely was an adventure I won't be forgetting anytime soon. It was so cool to hear them screaming and thinking, "I'm not in a zoo, these are the real deal!" I think we saw two the entire time. We got to sit and watch one of them for about 10 minutes. When we were ready to go, we started into the jungle to get back to the car, but we had taken a path that was full of safari ants (they are ants that get up your legs and bite you and there are always a ton of them). We were trying to run through them and get them off at the same time. Mckay and Hannah were in tears, we ended up lost and having to walk through mud. Looking back, it was so funny! The things that only happen in Africa. :)

After we got out of the jungle, continued to drive to Murchison Falls. It took about another 2 hours to actually get to the park. Once we got there and checked into our hotel we went to the falls. It was SO cool!!! It is basically the white Nile being forced into a chasm 7 meters wide. Crazy. It was so beautiful. After, we went back to our hotel and had dinner and went to bed.

Saturday morning we got up at 5 and had breakfast at 5:30. We left at 6 so we could make the 7 o'clock ferry ride across the river. Luckily, we made it across (the boat looked really sketchy, I'm still not sure how 8 cars fit on it). On the other side of the river was the game drive. We saw lots of amazing animals! It felt like we were in a zoo. Giraffes, dik diks, water buffalo, water bucks, cob, hartabeast, and elephants. One funny story: we were driving along, and we came across a lone, bull elephant. He was right in the middle of the road so we couldn't pass him. We sat there for 20 minutes watching him eat. He didn't show any signs of moving either. Slowly, dad started to get close, to try and pass him. Once we got about 10 feet away from him, he turned around and you could tell that he was pretty mad at us. We got out of there fast! It was scary, but funny at the same time. :) Then driving back, we saw a whole herd of elephants. That was pretty amazing, I'm not going to lie. After we left the park, we drove the 5/6 hours back home. I am definitely glad to be home. What a fun trip it was!! :)

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