Friday, June 3, 2011

"Give me more Jesus"

This week has definitely been an eventful one.
For starters, it was exam week (all of the stress and pressure); I learned so much about the British system (and I thought I had learned a lot from just going to school). I still don't like it.

On Monday, we get to school and we take attendance and then head straight down to the Hall (where are exams were to be held). We all walk into the Hall, and I see row after row of desks and chairs. I have to say that Monday was torture because I had an English exam first (in which I wrote 6 1/2 pages) then I had 2 History exams (in the first one I wrote 7 pages and in the second, I wrote 8). I about lost it at the end. My hand was hurting like crazy! When I got home, I went to the Scully's to babysit. I was there from 5-10:30. Their kids really are the cutest ever! Once I put them to bed, I was starting to fall asleep on the couch. It was the best though because they paid me in a huge bag of twixs! Ahh, they were so good! They literally helped me get through the week.

The rest of the week went ok. I had a math exam on Tuesday that was frustrating. Oh, well. On Wednesday I had another math exam and a physics exam. Thursday I finished it off with Chem and Bio exams. I really don't know what to think of the exams, I guess we'll just have to wait for the results. Only 2 more weeks of school! Yeah!

Yesterday, after we got home from school, we went to see Betty and Paul and their chicks. They were UGLY!! I'm sorry, but they were. They smelt disgusting and their fur was falling out in places! I now know that I don't want baby chicks.
Once we got home I went up to Alyssa's house to hang out (which we haven't been able to do in a while due to exams). I had a BLAST!! We laughed so hard! I think there were times when we both couldn't stop laughing at stupid things. :) What else are friends good for? haha She literally is the best! I am so grateful that she has been here for me! I don't know what I would've done without her! She has been there for me when I needed a friend (especially last night). I am definitely going to miss her when we leaves in 2 weeks. I might just go insane without her!

Today, was a national holiday (Martyr's Day), we didn't have school, thank goodness! We went to Jinja with the other expat family in UCU. It was so much fun! We went to Kingfisher (a super nice resort on lake Victoria) and spent the morning there. We went on a cool boat ride (at first we weren't sure if we would survive) on the Lake and up the Nile a bit. We saw some pretty cool birds and fisher...
Then we went back to the resort and swam. That was fun. I miss swimming for fun. I don't really get that opportunity at school (dang it). After that, we went with Beth and her son Jake to down town Jinja and ate at this really nice Indian restaurant. We then went to all the small shops and bought some things (I got these really cute giraffe and elephant earrings as well as a "My name is not Mzungu" t-shirt). I had so much fun!! I can hardly wait to be out of school for the SUMMER! :)

*If you're confused by the title.... lets just say that the Ugandan people say some pretty funny things


  1. Love it! I am proud of you and I am so glad you survived exams(: you're the best!! Haha won't you be happy when you are back in the states and just have normal finals? I think so(: love you!!

  2. Reading about all your exam anxiety makes me glad i don't have to add that kind of torture to my students.

  3. Hey :) That was a fun/funny day! I'm going to miss you so much :( Haha, we always can have fun laughing at videos of people falling!You are amazing!!!!!
