Tuesday, May 24, 2011

“Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is for you.”

AHHH!! Who knew that exams could be so ruff?
My life has been: go to school, come home, study, go to bed.
Talk about no life
I have decided that I hate the British system. These exams are killing me! I calculated that I have 19 hours and 15 minutes of exams. Most of those are in 4 days (exam week). I am frantically trying to catch up on everything I missed at the beginning of the year. Sometimes I feel like my brain is being crammed with too much information. Take maths for example: I have been trying to do stuff on my own (that is super hard!) from a book they gave me. They do thing so different!! I was reviewing and I came across a problem about completing the square, I was like, "super easy," I go to check my answer in the back of the book, and it is completely different! The book itself is no help because it is so hard to understand. Urg. At this point in the game, I just want to go home.

Other than the exams, life has been great!! (I will say that I haven't really had much of a life due to studying)
-I babysat for the Scully's (really cute/sweet kids) and got paid in oreos... yum!
-We had a young woman's part at our house
-We have had TONS of people over for dinner
-I got highest mark on a history test (33/40)
-So far I have gotten all A's on my English exams
-I might have worms....
-I found out my accent is cute
Really, everything has been a blur...:)
I only have to survive until next Thursday. Then I give myself permission to crash.

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