Monday, June 20, 2011

So Long, Farewell

If you had asked me a month ago whether or not I would miss school, I would’ve said “No way!” I never thought that I would miss my school. Now that it’s over, I actually miss all of my friends and going into school each morning. Crazy me. ☺

The last week of school flew by! Wednesday and Thursday was Maths day (personally, I think it was a waste of time). We didn’t do anything but play cards and talk. It was so fun! I really have made so many wonderful friends! I am so sad to leave them all!

Friday… our last day of school… we had our awards assembly. I got Highest Honours (I was completely shocked!). That made me happy. I have been stressing about my grades and them transferring (ask my dad). Anyway, after school and all the saying good-byes; Aaron, Liza and I all decided to jump into the pool with our uniforms on. We decided to be rebellious… ☺ My mom took us picture, but she missed on the 1st try, so we had to jump again.

On Saturday morning, I went to Mor’s house. Holy Cow, and I though we had a nice house for Africa. It was like I was in the river bottom’s houses! I had the greatest time with her. We made smoothies, ate cake, ate crackers and cheese, and talked. She is the sweetest person! I absolutely love her!!

A part from school, I spent a lot of the week up at Alyssa's house. I am very sad to see her leave, but I know that she will have such a fun time back in the states. She really has been such a blessing here, I'm not sure if I would've survived. In leaving, she gave me a jewelery box in the shape of Africa. I will miss her so much and look forward to seeing her soon (we have planned a road trip from Seattle to Provo).

Saying good-bye is hard! I am realizing that more and more. Having to say good-bye to all of my school friends, Alyssa, and soon the Buttons has been difficult. It would be in my wildest dreams if I could see them again

. I am continually grateful for this opportunity that we have been able to have. I wish that every single person could have this experience.

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