Saturday, April 30, 2011

Will there ever be peace?

We have come to expect there to be riots on Mondays and Thursdays (random days, I know), I really don't understand all of the reasons why, I just understand that people are fed up with the rising gas and food prices so they started the "Walk to Work" campaign. The people here are not allowed to protest in any way, so the police have been getting involved with tear gas, rubber bullets, and taken to beating the rioters. It has been really scary not knowing whether anything would spark into something big.

On Friday we were going to go to an crocodile farm and hold baby crocodiles. On our way, we had to stop at the US Embassy to get Visas for us to stay here for another 3 months. As soon as we walked into the Embassy, there was an announcement over the intercom telling us that it would be wise not to leave the Embassy until further notice because of riots getting close. This came as a shock, because the riots were only planned for Monday and Thursday. We also became very worried because we had brought with us someone from our ward, and since he is Ugandan, he couldn't come into the Embassy; we had left him in the car on the road. We had no way of communicating with him because they had taken our phones.

Eventually they came on the intercom again and told us that we were in a lock-down and were not allowed to leave. We could hear gunshots really close as well. I guess it was a good thing that we were in the Embassy during the whole event, I'm not sure what would've happened if we were elsewhere. We weren't sure how long we would have to stay, so we went up to the cafeteria to wait. It just so happens that the Royal Wedding was on TV, so we got to watch most of it, because we were there for about 3 1/2 hours. It was such a funny thought thinking that we were watching Kate and Will get married when there were riots outside. :)

Eventually, it was safe to leave and Moses (the guy from our ward) and our car were safe. It was so unnerving driving home and seeing black marks on the road were there had been fires and power lines cut down.

I think I really almost lost it. It made me miss the comfort and secure feelings back home. We are just praying now that we will all be safe because we have no clue when or where things will spark up. So if you are reading this, pray for peace here in Uganda! We could use it. :)

Jumping to a totally different subject; Eric left on Tuesday and headed back to Provo to the MTC. He was set apart on Monday night at the Stake Presidents house. They fed us dinner (which was really good) and also gave Eric a cake that had RWH (Return With Honor) on it. It was such a sweet night.

We woke up at 4:30 to drive him to the Entebbe Airport. I know that he will be the best missionary ever! It is just so sad that I won't see him for another 2 years. He has been such a great influence on me. Especially while I have had some hard days, he has always found a way to comfort me. I love my brother!!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Our prayers are with you guys. Glad the Lord has been watching over you.
    It was good to see Eric on his way to the MTC. It was a nice surprise for us to find out he was coming back here instead of going straight to Brazil.
