Sunday, April 17, 2011

When life gives you lemons, make Lemonade!

There has been some pretty strange things that have happened lately.
For the first time, we had a riot scare at school. During Art on Thursday (the last class of the day), a teacher came in and told us that there had been riots happening all day and they were pretty close to our school.

Back ground about the riots: Because the gas prices have been so high, people have rallied and organized a thing where they "walk to work." Since the people aren't allowed to peaceful protest, the police have gotten involved with tear gas and rubber bullets. So on Thursday, Besigye (the main opponent of Museveni), organized one of these walks and he got shot in the hand with a rubber bullet. Things went into ciaos from there.

Anyway,the teacher said that it was best if we all left asap. School was pretty much over because everyone started to trickle out. Luckily we made it home safely because there had also been riots in Mukono. It all gave us quite a scare. After hearing stories of people being thrown from their car and watching their car burn. :)

On top of there being riots, we come home and my mom tells us that 3 baby Cobra snakes have been killed (meaning that there is probably a nest around somewhere). If I wasn't scared because of the riots, the snakes through me over board. My mom has been paranoid ever since, screaming at us when we leave the door open, or constantly telling us that we need to spray or watch were we step. Hopefully we survive all of the riots and the snakes!!!

On Friday, we had to go to school (we were hoping that we wouldn't have to go because of the riots). In all, it was an ok day. Swimming was terrible. If you are reading this, you are probably thinking what a wimp I am thinking swimming is torture. But you have no idea. It isn't exactly what you think it is, it is swimming laps! Coming from a state where we really don't swim properly, we just splash around; and moving to a school were everyone has been swimming since they were little. Luckily, we have been doing life-safety so it hasn't been too bad.

After school, we went to this rehabilitation centre for kids with physical issues. It was so fascinating!!! There were so many kids! One girl had metal things connected to her knees because her bones were messed up. It was so hard to watch these kids play. I had so much fun. I would love to go back and spend the day there.

We finally got to watch conference! It was so good! I loved it! I feel like it was directed to me personally. I have been having issues with drawing the line in serving people here. I have my answer now. I am so grateful for the general authorities of the church. I know that they are called of God. I am grateful for such a wonderful religion!!

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