Sunday, May 8, 2011

Advice: Don't come to your wedding drunk!

On Saturday, we had a youth conference in Kololo the entire day. It was suppose to start at 10, but didn't really start until 10:30 (typical Uganda meetings, they start late, and end late). Anyway, we had a meeting that went on forever! I felt terrible because I was struggling to stay awake! :) We left at about 12 to go to lunch and drop Liza off with the Williams (our principal, who has a daughter her age). We went to lunch at this fabulous Korean restaurant that was amazing!!! It was probably the best food I've had in a long time. Once we had dropped Liza off, we headed back to the church to finish youth conference. We got there, and they were having lunch. I love you so much! Thanks for being my friend. They told us that it was over, because there was going to be a wedding at the church later. It was so fun to talk to some of the girls, especially Diane. She is the funniest person ever.

Once the bride got there, we all went into the chapel. It took a while for it to get started though, we found out later that the groom was late. The whole ceremony was short, and to tell you the truth, it wasn't the happiest marriage I've seen. The bride looked very sad, and the groom seemed really weird. After they said their vows, the guy started to kiss the bride (which is culturally unacceptable), the girl was turning her head away and telling him to stop. After that, the chapel got pretty loud, no one was listening after that. I felt really bad for the bride, she looked like she wanted to die. After, Diane turned to me and told me the groom was drunk. And supposedly, they both were suppose to get baptised on Sunday. I'm not sure if that is going to happen.

The whole experience was pretty funny. I guess things happen here in Africa that you don't normally see otherwise. What an experience it is, everyday, all the time. I really am in Africa (sometimes I have to remind myself that). :)

1 comment:

  1. You went to a Korean restaurant? I'm so glad you like the food! :D
