Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We're Off

So, I can't believe that after months of preparation, we are finally not in Utah anymore. It has finally hit me that I won't be going home for another 8 months. It's nice to think that we have a 2 week vacation before we settle in to living in Africa. On our flight from Salt Lake to Dallas, one of our flight ladies was so socked that we would be living in Africa. Once we told her the details and why we were going over there, she was so supportive. It is so nice to know that we have so much support and love from our neighbors. If I didn't have support, I probably wouldn't be as excited to go on this adventure. Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Cariel! :D We'll all miss you. Have fun (especially since you don't have school ;) )

    Your fellow French Horn player,
    -Jared Richardson
