Monday, January 31, 2011

Jan 31

It's official. I am coming to live in England sometime during my life. I have absolutly loved it here. Even though the weather has been quite chilly, it is still beautiful. It has been great to be with my family, I never realized just how funny we can be. Possibly my favorite things of the week have been St. Pauls Cathidrial (we where there during a coral program of all boys= amazing!!!) and downtown London. We didn't plan very well so we only had 1 day in London, so we didn't get to see everything we wanted too, but that's ok. It was still great. We also went to both temples here, the Preston and the London. On our first day here, we went to Stone Hedge. That was interesting and now I can say that I have seen it in person. I don't think any of us have adjusted to the time difference very well because we are very tired during the day, but very crazy at night. The poor people in the rooms next to us. Even after being her a week, I can never sleep at night. I do all my sleeping in the car riding to sites. Yesterday (Sunday), we meet up with an old friend we new when we lived in South Africa, it was so good to meet her and her husband (having been so little when we lived there, I didn't remember them). We went to their little ward for church. It was mostly an American ward (kinda a disapointment), so we didn't feel so out of place. I really enjoyed it. The people where so sweet. The young women leader gave us all CD's and chocolates! We then spent the rest of the day visiting with Tracy and Donoven. I loved every minute of it. Now, we'll see what Italy has in store for us!!


  1. YOU'RE FREAKIN' IN ENGLAND?! Man I want to be there!! Take pictures if you can! I miss ya! :D

  2. It sounds like you are enjoying yourself:) I hope for the best for my favorite Smith family!
    Love, Annie:)
